Frederick E Weatherly
Who was he?
Frederick Edward Weatherly (1848-1929) was an English lawyer, author,
songwriter and radio entertainer. He wrote the lyrics of the well-known
Danny Boy which is set
to the tune
A Londonderry Air.
3,000 popular songs, including the hymn "The Holy
City" and the wartime ballad "Roses of Picardy".
Why was he in Bath?
Frederick Weatherly (usually known as Fred) was born and brought up in
Portishead, Somerset before moving to Bath, where he lived at 10,
Edward Street from 1919 until 1928.
Location of plaque at 10 Edward Street:

The text reads
"Here lived Fred E. Weatherly, K.C. Song Writer 1919 to 1928 b. 1848
d. 1929."
Location map of 10 Edward Street:
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