Empire Hotel
What is it?
The Empire Hotel was designed by the City Architect, Major Charles
Davis, and built 1899-1901. "An enormous and eccentric Queen Anne
Revival building" [
Forsyth, 2003], it was
requisition by the Admiralty in 1939 and remained in their possession
until 1995. It has now been converted into apartments and restaurants.
Where is it in Bath?
The Empire is located on Grand Parade between the Abbey and
Pulteney Bridge:

The text reads
"The foundation stone was laid twenty three feet below here
by the Rt. Wl. the Mayor of Bath R.E.Dickinson. Esq: M.P. Dec 8th 1899.
God Save the Queen
Jacob Long & Sons. Builders.
Charles E. Davis F.S.A. Archt."
Location map of plaque:
(c) 2011
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