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Thomas Linley

Who was he?

Wikipedia:   Thomas Linley (17 January 1733 – 19 November 1795), English musician, was born at Wells, Somerset, and studied music at Bath, where he settled as a singing-master and conductor of the concerts.

From 1774 he was engaged in the management at Drury Lane theatre, London, composing or compiling the music of many of the pieces produced there, besides songs and madrigals, which rank high among English compositions.

Why was he in Bath?

Thomas was a music teacher and harpsichord player. The family had lived in Bath for many years, firstly at Abbey Green, then at Pierrepont Place and finally at 11, Royal Crescent (below).

His second daughter, Elizabeth Ann, was a beautiful and talented singer. She had many proposals of marriage, but on 18 March 1772 she eloped with Richard Brinsley Sheridan from the Royal Crescent to France. However, they were both underage and so the marriage was invalid until Elizabeth’s father eventually consented officially on 13 April 1772 at Marylebone, London, one day after her last public appearance. In 1772 Sheridan fought a famous duel against Captain Thomas Mathews in defence of Elizabeth's character, which Mathews had defamed in a newspaper article.
Location of plaque at  11, Royal Crescent

Thomas Linley plaque

The text reads

"Thomas Linley lived here and from this house his daughter Elizabeth eloped with Richard Brinsley Sheridan on the evening of the 18th March 1772"

Location map of 11, Royal Crescent:
Thomas Linley location map



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