Dr. Caleb Hillier Parry
Who was he?
Caleb Hillier Parry was physician at Bath General Hospital, later to be
known as the Royal Mineral Water Hospital. He
published several monographs on his research, notably in pathology and
therapeutics. He was the father of
Rear Admiral
Sir William Edward Parry, the Arctic explorer
Why was he in Bath?
Parry came to Bath in 1770, a year after qualifying in Edinburgh. He
lived first at 13, Catherine Place and later moved to 27, the Circus.
He practiced in Bath when the city was a popular health resort.
Location of plaque at 27, the Circus (right hand arrow):

The text reads
"Here lived Dr Caleb Hillier Parry b. 1755 d. 1822 and his son
Admiral Sir W. E. Parry b.1790 d. 1855"
Location map of 27, The Circus:
(c) 2011
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